Best Birdseed to Attract Juncos

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This guide covers more than just the best seed to attract juncos. We include information about their behavior, feeding preferences, and how to create an inviting sustainable environment enriching your overall birdwatching experiences.

Feeding Preferences

Juncos are primarily ground feeders, meaning they prefer foraging on the ground for food. They have a diverse diet that includes seeds, insects, and fruits. While their natural diet consists of various seeds, they are particularly fond of millet, cracked corn, sunflower, and Nyjer (thistle) seeds.

Tips for Feeding Juncos

  1. Offer a Variety of Seeds: To attract juncos to your yard, ensure you have a diverse selection of seeds . A platform feeder or a ground tray filled with some or all of the below seeds will entice them. Consider adding some Nyjer seeds to the mix as well, as they can attract other finches and small songbirds that juncos enjoy being around.
  2. Ground Feeding Area: Since juncos are ground feeders, create an area where they can comfortably forage. Scatter some seeds directly on the ground or use a low tray feeder close to the shrubs or trees where they can take cover if they feel threatened.
  3. Keep It Clean: Regularly clean the feeding area to prevent the buildup of mold, bacteria, or any waste that may attract unwanted pests. Fresh food and a clean environment will make the juncos feel more at ease and encourage them to visit your yard more often.
  4. Water Source: Providing a freshwater source, such as a birdbath or shallow dish, is essential for juncos. They need water for drinking and bathing, and having a water feature will make your yard even more appealing to them.
  5. Seasonal Considerations: Juncos are migratory birds, and their presence might vary depending on the season. They are most commonly seen in North America during the fall and winter. However, if you live in their breeding range, which includes parts of Canada and the northern United States, they may also visit during the summer.
  6. Avoid Chemicals: While you might be tempted to use pesticides and herbicides to keep your yard immaculate, these chemicals can harm the birds and their food sources. Opt for natural and eco-friendly gardening methods to ensure the health and safety of the juncos.
  7. Be Patient and Observant: Attracting juncos to your yard may take some time. Be patient and observant; watch for their presence, especially during the migration seasons.

Best Birdseed for Juncos

Nyjer (Thistle) Seeds

Nyjer seeds are a favorite among many finches and sparrows, including Juncos. These tiny, oil-rich seeds provide a high-energy food source for Juncos, making them an excellent choice for attracting these delightful birds to backyard feeders.

Black Oil Sunflower Seeds

Another favorite of Juncos is that black oil sunflower seeds have thin shells, making it easy for the birds to crack open and enjoy the nutritious kernel inside. A wide variety of birds loves these seeds and are sure to attract Juncos to your feeder.

Cracked Corn

Cracked corn is rich in carbohydrates, which provide juncos with the energy they need to stay active and healthy. As small birds that constantly forage on the ground, juncos require a high-energy diet, and cracked corn fits the bill perfectly.


Millet is a popular choice for ground-feeding birds like Juncos. These small, round seeds are perfect for scattering on the ground or using in a platform feeder. Juncos will happily forage for millet, and you'll enjoy watching them in action.

Safflower Seeds

While not all Juncos prefer safflower seeds, some are attracted to this option, especially in areas with significant competition from other bird species. Offering safflower seeds in your feeders can be an additional way to entice Juncos to visit.


Feeding juncos can be a rewarding experience, bringing you closer to nature's beauty and birdwatching's wonders. By providing a suitable feeding area with various seeds and ensuring a clean and safe environment, you can attract these charming snowbirds and enjoy their presence throughout the seasons. Remember to be patient; soon enough, you'll be treated to the delightful sight of juncos hopping and fluttering around your yard, adding joy to your outdoor space. Happy birding!