Top 20 Native Plants That Attract Blue Jays

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Blue Jays, with their stunning blue plumage and bold personalities, are a delight to have in any backyard. To create an inviting habitat for these beautiful birds, consider incorporating native plants that provide food, shelter, and nesting opportunities. Here are twenty native plants that attract Blue Jays and enhance the natural beauty of your outdoor space:

  1. Oak Trees: Oaks produce acorns, a favorite food source for Blue Jays.
  2. Wild Cherry Trees: Cherries from these trees attract Blue Jays with their sweet and juicy flesh.
  3. Serviceberry: The berries of the serviceberry shrub are relished by Blue Jays.
  4. Hawthorn: The bright red berries of hawthorn trees are irresistible to Blue Jays.
  5. Sumac: Sumac's clusters of red berries provide a feast for Blue Jays.
  6. Blackberry: Blue Jays enjoy feasting on the ripe berries of blackberry bushes.
  7. Blueberry: Planting blueberry shrubs will not only attract Blue Jays but also provide delicious treats for yourself.
  8. Virginia Creeper: The blue-black berries of Virginia Creeper vine are a favorite of Blue Jays.
  9. Red Mulberry: The fruits of red mulberry trees are highly sought-after by Blue Jays.
  10. Persimmon: Blue Jays relish these sweet and pulpy fruits.
  11. Black Walnut: Blue Jays are known to cache black walnuts for later consumption.
  12. Pine Trees: Pine cones provide a source of food for Blue Jays during the winter months.
  13. Sunflowers: Blue Jays are attracted to sunflowers' seeds and bright yellow petals.
  14. Corn: Planting a small patch of corn will entice Blue Jays with its nutritious kernels.
  15. Wild Grape: The fruits of wild grapevines are a delectable treat for Blue Jays.
  16. Elderberry: Elderberries, with their deep purple hue, are highly appealing to Blue Jays.
  17. Hickory Trees: Hickory nuts are a prized food source that Blue Jays eagerly seek out.
  18. Beech Trees: Blue Jays relish the small triangular nuts produced by beech trees.
  19. Pecan Trees: The meaty pecan nuts are a favorite of Blue Jays.
  20. Crabapple: Blue Jays are attracted to the small fruits of crabapple trees.

By incorporating these twenty native plants into your backyard, you can create an enticing environment that attracts Blue Jays and supports other wildlife. Remember to provide a variety of plants that offer different food sources and consider the seasons when certain fruits are available. Creating a haven for Blue Jays not only adds beauty and vibrancy to your backyard but also supports the ecological balance of your local ecosystem.