The Best Birdseed for Wrens

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Wrens are delightful little birds known for their lively behavior and cheerful songs. To attract wrens to your garden or yard, offering them the right birdseed is essential. Wrens have specific dietary preferences, so choosing the best birdseed will ensure their visitation and nourish them. Here are some top recommendations:

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Nyjer(Thistle) Seed

Wrens are fond of Nyjer seed, also known as thistle seed. These tiny, black seeds are highly nutritious and a favorite among wrens. Offering a feeder with Nyjer seed will attract wrens and provide them with a high-energy food source.


Suet is another excellent option for attracting wrens. Suet is a dense, high-fat food made from rendered animal fat mixed with various ingredients such as seeds, nuts, and fruits. Wrens enjoy feeding on suet, especially during the colder months when extra energy is needed to keep warm.


Mealworms are a favorite food of many bird species, including wrens. These small, protein-rich larvae of beetles are highly nutritious and provide essential nutrients for wrens. Offering mealworms in a feeder or dish will attract wrens and entice them to visit your garden.

Sunflower Seed, Hearts and Chips

Wrens are also known to enjoy sunflower chips. Sunflower chips are hulled sunflower seeds, which means they are without the hard outer shell. This makes them easy for wrens to eat, and they provide a good source of fat and protein, keeping the wrens healthy and satisfied.

Cracked Corn

Cracked corn is a popular birdseed option that wrens are attracted to. It provides carbohydrates and can be easily consumed by wrens. Consider offering cracked corn in a ground feeder to accommodate wrens' feeding habits.